20 Dec DIY Christmas Wreath Made from Scrap Branches
Alex and I had to postpone putting up Christmas decorations this year because we were moving apartments. So once we were settled in, I went ALL OUT. One of the things I was most excited about was making a DIY Christmas wreath from some scrap branches I picked up when we got our tree! My favorite thing about this DIY is that you can pretty much do it for free if you have basic crafting materials. All I needed was some festive ribbon that I picked up from Hobby Lobby for 50% off!
Here’s what you’ll need: floral wire, wire cutters, ribbon, and of course some tree branches. Every place I’ve been to get a Christmas tree will let you take the scraps they’ve cut off from other trees- just ask! If not, you can always trim some lower hanging branches off your tree… shh no one will know.

Before You Get Started:
Once you have all your tree trimmings gathered, you’ll want to cut them down to smaller pieces. I used this mini saw my husband has, but I’m sure any serrated knife would do!

Assembling Your DIY Christmas Wreath Step One:
Trim the branches down so they are easier to work with. Look for ones that have a natural curve to them- this will help when assembling your wreath!

Step Two:
Cut pieces of floral wire to use for securing the branches together. I made mine about 3″ in length.

Step Three:
Pick the first two branches you want to connect and line them up so they start to make a nice curve. Wrap one end of the wire around both branches.

Step Four:
Keep wrapping the wire around the branches until they are tight and secure. Continue adding on branches and securing them with wire until you get a wreath the size you want. If you have some pieces left over, you can add them in to make a fuller wreath.

By now you’ve probably made a complete mess of your work space and your husband is asking why there’s so many tree branches in your living room. Don’t worry there’s just one final touch to finish your DIY Christmas wreath!

Step Five:
To finish, cut a piece of ribbon and tie a bow around the bottom of your wreath.

That’s it! Pretty simple right? I even used the scraps of my scraps to make mini wreaths to hang on our windows. But since the branches were so thin they came out a little scrawny and not very round…. well you can’t win every time! I think this wreath adds the perfect Christmas touch to our front door. Don’t tell Alex but I think I may get even more scrap pieces next year so I can make bigger wreaths for inside!
If you liked this tutorial, take a look at my DIY fall wreath here.